# 如何使用Akkadu进行速记?
# Akkadu account
Use Chrome
browser to:
- Signup in www.akkadu.comopen in new window as a transcriber:

⚠️ Select you are a Transcriber

- Enter your dashboard, find your event, and click

# Transcriber Console
Below is the transcriber console which you can access after you click any transcribe
button in your dashboard:

1️⃣ Start button:
- After you click
anything you type in the live panel will be shown in the audience page
2️⃣ Language volume control:
- Use the
volumen control to regulate the volumen of the audio - You don't have to worry about the speakers changing the language, the system always will send you the right language, whether is coming from the original source (floor) or the interpreters.
3️⃣ Live panel:
- Anything you type here will be shown in the audience page:
- For
latin languages
such as English, Spanish, etc. the words will show after you pressSPACE
or punctuation symbols such as.
etc. - For
asian languages
such as Chinese, Korean, etc. the words will show after every character you type.
- For
- Everything you type will be saved and can be downloaded from your dashboard or the agency dashboard.
4️⃣ Chat:
- Use the
to communicate with the tech support